Kidney stones remedy

Is it possible to dissolve kidney stones and pass them naturally with a simple natural kidney stones remedy ?

Well, if you do a little research online you may learn about a big number of natural remedies for kidney stones. For example, it is reported that by drinking a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice you can get rid of a kidney stone within 24 hours.

Another kidney stones remedy that is reported to work in some cases consists on cooking some onions in water and then blending them and drinking their juice for a couple of days until the stones get dissolved and passed with urine.

There are also many other unknown herbs that are reported to work as a safe kidney stone remedy. Among these herbs you can find : corn silk, dandelion, fennel seed, oat straw, nettle leaf, cramp bark, wild yam, yarrow leaf, hydrangea root, plantain leaf, corn silk, wild yam root and hydrangea root.

For example, you can create a kidney stone remedy using corn silk, dandelion, fennel seed, oat straw and nettle leaf to prepare what's called a diuretic tea. The way to prepare this remedy is to put 1/2 a teaspoon of these herbs in a quart of boiling water and set it aside for 20 minutes. Then you'll have to filter this tea and drink one cup of it in the morning and one cup in the evening for a couple of days to dissolve the stones and pass them with urine.

If you want to learn more on how to dissolve kidney stones naturally, then you can get your copy of the kidney stone removal report . It is a comprehensive guide written by Joe Barton that can show you exaclty and in detail how to use home remedies to get rid of kidney stones.